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Archived News Items 2003 updated 18Sep04

Items that have been on the News page but are no longer current are generally transferred to an archive.

The Committee wish all members a merryxmas01s100x51.gif

Xmas Lunch

The excellent Xmas Lunch at the Hawker Centre on Wed 10th Dec was enjoyed by 62 members.

On Wed. 10th December the Xmas Lunch will be in the Hawker Centre at 12:30, note earlier time; advanced Booking ESSENTIAL. Committee members will also be meeting at 11:30 am. xmasmenulogo2003.gif

The date of the December meeting given in Newsletters 2 and 3 is wrong; it should be 10th instead of 19th.

24Oct03 The Autumn 2003 newsletter is online
Charity Walk 32 on 21 Oct 2003
Ground Attack and the Typhoon talk 8Oct2003

On 3 Sep the evening visit to BAE Systems at Farnborough was superb. There was a tour of the amazing TAG hanger on the far side of the airfield, a talk on supporting the BAE Systems Heritage, and it was rounded off with an excellent supper. Many thanks to Ron Hedges for setting it up and BAE Systems for the hospitality.

Members attending the 9 July social had an unexpected treat in the form of a very enjoyable video of historic flying and events celebrating Sir Tommy Sopwith’s Centenary.

The video at the 13 August meeting was of the Red Arrows tour of the USA in April 1983.

Harrier, Putting the Record Straight

Talk by John Farley at the Association’s meeting on
11 June 2003.

On 12 Nov 2003 there will be a ‘Few Words from a Salesman’ by John Crampton (note that the date has been moved from the 10 Sep). Committee members will also be meeting at 11:30 am.

On 21 Oct 2003 John Arthur is having another walk for the BAES Retirement Association; Hawker Association members are invited. Details

On 8 Oct 2003 there will be a talk by David Ince, Typhoon pilot, on “Ground Attack and the Typhoon”. Committee members will also be meeting at 11:30 am.

On 10 Sep 2003 there will be a video and social gathering in the YMCA Hawker Centre at 2 pm. The Committee meeting scheduled for the morning has been CANCELLED.

NOTE: There has been a change to the Programme. The talk by John Crampton has moved from the 10Sep to the 12Nov. There will be a video and social gathering on 10 Sep.

On Wed 3 Sep 2003 there will be a Talk “BAe Heritage” by Ron Hedges; 6:30 pm at BAES Farnborough Park Centre. Route

On 13 Aug 2003 there will be a video and social gathering in the YMCA Hawker Centre at 2 pm. Committee members will also be meeting at 11:30 am.

On 9 July 2003 at 2 pm there will be an informal social gathering of members at the YMCA Hawker Centre. The next committee meeting will be on Wednesday 13th August at 11:30 am, before the get-together in the afternoon.

Visit to Tangmere Museum on 14 May 2003

There will be a social meeting (2 pm) at the Hawker Centre for members not visiting the Tangmere Museum.

Members will be meeting inside the Museum main entrance at 2 pm. For help in arranging car sharing go to the list of members visiting Tangmere.

The Tangmere web site  tangmere-museum.org.uk/ includes a map of the location.

The Hawker Association story

A feature from the May 03 Aeroplane Monthly Magazine.

Charity Walk 31

With the BAE Systems Retirement Association on Wednesday 16 April 2003. baerawalk31-140x100.jpg

On Wednesday 16 April 2003 members are invite to join a walk organised by John Arthur for the Kingston Retirement Association. Details

The Hawker Jet Era

Talk given by Ralph Hooper at the Association’s meeting on 9 April 2003.

Sir Stanley Hooker Memorial Address

Biennial lecture given by Ralph Hooper at the Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust Bristol Branch's president's evening on March 24th 2003.

Harrier Ski-Jump Trials

Talk by Dick Poole on 19th March 2003 to the RAeS Weybridge Branch.

Hawker, a Great Place to Work

The Association’s First Talk by John Glasscock on
12 March 2003 was a Great Success.

Inaugural Meeting Saturday 8 February 2003


Number of people originally surveyed to gauge interest 200

Positive responses 155

Number of people now circulated with a membership form 356

Fully signed up members 226

Those still outstanding from original survey 27

Newly proposed members 17

Current potential membership 270


Local membership 72.5%

Distant membership 24.8%

Overseas members 2.7%

The inaugural meeting of the Association will be held on Saturday 8 February 2003 beginning at 2:30pm. We have chosen as a venue the YMCA Hawker Centre in Lower Ham Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, known to all of you as the Hawker Sports Club. This seemed to us very suitable and will bring back a few old memories to some I am sure.

The objectives of the meeting will be to:

1. Bring members up to date with the status of the Association membership.

2. Present the ideas that the provisional committee already have for such activities.

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