Hawker Association Photos

Hawker Association photos used to be processed and managed VERY well by Picasa, Picasa Web Albums and Google+. Google have discontinued all three and replaced them with Google Photos which doesn't have the same functionality; it used to be very easy to display all available albums by the Photos link in the banner which is extremely difficult now and only old albums could be displayed. It is still easy to display an album with a link in a web page but some links have stopped working and some albums in Google+ may not have transferred to Google Photos.


After years I think I have found a way to make all Google Photo Albums available from the Photo link in the banner. One photo from each available album has been added to the new “Hawker Association Photo Albums” album which displays when Photos in the banner is clicked. Click the "View activity" Icon (the square icon in the row of icons on the right above the album name) to display the Activity column containing album descriptions and links to the albums.

If a photo is clicked it displays large with an album description and link in the Activity column; if the Activity column doesn't display the Activity icon has moved to the bottom right. You can scroll through the photos by clicking the left and right arrow icons. I can’t make the associated album display when a photo is clicked. Albums display in a new tab or window.

There are about 26 albums; most photos are by Frank Rainsborough. I don't know what isn't working. If anyone finds things not working, has problems or knows a better way to manage and display photo albums please let Richard Cannon (webmaster) know.