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List of Members Visiting Tangmere on
Wed 14May03
Updated 2Mayr03

On the left is a list of members intending to visiting Tangmere. The first part of the post code is given to help members identify others near their area.

If help contacting members is needed please E-mail the Webmaster using the link in the banner. A Yes under E-mail indicates the member has an E-mail address and your E-mail will be forwarded to him. Alternatively ring Richard Cannon on 01932 786636.

Please let me know if you prefer not to be included on the list, not to have the first part of your post code included or not to have E-mails sent.

Car Sharing

I will try and maintain a list of known car sharing.

Richard Cannon, Brian Indge, Frank Rainsborough

Selwyn Smith, John Quinn

Ken Batstone, George Latham

Tangmere list