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Newsletter 4
Autumn 2003

Updated on 24Oct2003

Published by the Hawker Association for the Members.
Contents © Hawker Association



Bill Sherwood remembers

Book reviews

Christmas lunch

Dunsfold update

Dunsfold's Dove

George Anderson

Harrier II production

Harrier web site

HA members

Hawker memories

India makes up her mind

Kingston Aviation Heritage

Mick Mansell retires

Philatelic cover

Programme for 2003-4

Putting the record straight

Requests for information

Transatlantic air race

Visit to Farnborough

V/STOL Historical Society

Home Home


Wed 12th November 2003 Talk: "A few words from a salesman" - John Crampton.

Wed 10th December Christmas Lunch at Hawker Leisure (see below)

Wed 14th January 2004 Social gathering with video.

Wed 11th February Talk: "The Work of the Air Accident Investigation Branch" - Dr David King.

Wed 10th March Talk: "The Hawk on Land and at Sea" - Gordon Hodson.

Wed 14th April Social gathering with video.

Sat 24th April Annual General Meeting and video.

All meetings are at Hawker Leisure, the old Sports & Social Club, and start at 2.00 pm. Please note the Saturday timing for the AGM. This is so that our working Members can attend.