Chairman’s Report

The Chairman, Ambrose Barber, observed that the Association’s meetings, speakers and the social gatherings had met the enjoyable standards now routinely expected of them and expressed appreciation of all those whose efforts had made these things possible, and also of Chris Farara and Richard Cannon who had enabled our wider membership to keep in touch via our Newsletter and our website.

An unprecedented impetus had been given to the Association’s aim to record and publicise ‘Hawker’s’ historic aeronautical achievements. Heritage Lottery Funding, granted to the consortium led by the Hawker Association, had enabled a programme of education, celebration and recording, starting with the 2012 Kingston Aviation Festival. This had succeeded in dispelling the apparent indifference to Kingston’s aeronautical history.

David Hassard and his team were to be congratulated for their efforts. ‘Hawker’ exhibitions and lectures had been held in and around Kingston and there was a continuing demand for more. Oral histories were recorded and there is now evidence of interest in the Hawker Association itself which would be addressed by considering widening our membership a little, proposals for which would be presented at an Extraordinary General Meeting.

The 10th Annual General Meeting – 10th April 2013


Secretary’s Report

The Secretary, Barry Pegram, reported that membership was at its highest ever at 389. This was fifteen higher than at the time of the last AGM despite the sad death of nine members. Therefore twenty four new members had been recruited during the year, thanks largely to David Hassard’s efforts with the Kingston Aviation Centenary Project and the publicity the Association had obtained during the numerous activities that had taken place.

Attendance at the meetings where we had a formal speaker was generally between thirty five and forty, with attendance at social meetings being closer to twenty. These numbers have fallen over the past couple of years, perhaps due to the ageing membership.

The highly enjoyable Christmas lunch was attended by fifty seven members and friends. During this lunch the Kingston Aviation Heritage Trust presented to the Hawker Centre a bronze plaque depicting ‘Hawker’ typers and the ‘founding fathers’ : Sopwith, Hawker Sigrist and Camm. It is now mounted in the entrance hall of the Hawker Centre.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer, Martin Pennell, drew Members’ attention to the fact that the balance at the end of the year exceeded that at the beginning.

Income followed the expected pattern of subscriptions, raffle takings and events proceeds (summer barbecue, Christmas lunch, annual excursion ticket payments etc.)

Principal items of expenditure were: liability insurance, running expenses (hire of the hall, stationery, printing, postage, raffle prizes, speakers’ expenses), payments to the YMCA for annual events, and travel costs and entry charges for our annual excursion.

Overall, the accounts, which had been independently inspected and verified, showed that the finances of the Association were in a healthy state with no need foreseen for any increase in members’ annual subscription.