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Newsletter 2
Spring 2003

Updated on 27Feb2003



Programme Of Events

Inaugural Meeting

Book Review, Offer
Fall And Rise of WT555
Joint Strike Fighter
Readers Write
Association Web Site
Membership List

Home Home


Firstly, thanks to those Members who sent me contributions. Don't worry if they aren't included in this issue; they will be used later. Meanwhile, please keep sending in your news, views, suggestions, anecdotes, memories and questions.

The Association has got off to a good start with some 250 paid-up Members, 80 of whom attended the Inaugural Meeting on the 8th February, an encouraging turn out.

The Programme of Events is also growing nicely with plenty of Members willing to give talks. A particular treat is a visit to the Tangmere Museum, with Neville Duke present, to mark the 50th anniversary of his World Speed Record in Hunter Mk 3 WB188, flown from Tangmere and now on display there.

With such enthusiasm being displayed so early in the life of the Association it really looks as if it has a great future - but it all depends on you Members continuing to participate actively and letting the Committee know just what you want.

I hope you enjoy this issue which even includes a "Special Offer"! Looking forward to hearing from you.

Send contributions to: The Editor, Chris Farara, at 24 Guildown Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4EN (tel. 01483 825955), or by e-mail