Newsletter 14
Autumn 2006
Updated on 20Oct2006
Published by the Hawker Association
for the Members.
Contents © Hawker Association

Annual General Meeting
Beating the System
Boeing Training Systems
Camm Headstone Restored
Camm Memorial Service
Camm Tribute - Engineer
Camm Tribute - Private Man
Hawk News
Hawker People News
Hayward in Switzerland
Kingston Aviation Project
Once More into the Breach
Private Sea Harrier
Programme for 2006/7
RAF Harrier Story
Association Ties
Kingston Aviation Project
Planning permission has been agreed for the centrepiece of the project, the 35 foot, curved, stainless steel column, pointing skywards with a climbing silver Hunter at its tip.

Fundraiser Les Palmer has launched the appeal and he hopes that everyone that worked for 'Hawkers' will donate generously. A leaflet is enclosed with this Newsletter. Please read it and support the project by writing your cheques, filling in the donation form and sending them to Les. Please sign the Gift Aid declaration. The Government will then, at no cost to the donor (in fact with a benefit to higher rate tax payers), contribute an extra 28%.

Let's get our great company, its aircraft and the people who made it all possible, the public awareness they deserve.

Consequent on the imminent retirement of long serving committee members, new ones are needed to help steer the project through the exciting second phase from planning permission to manufacture and erection. The committee has decision-making and control functions, the actual project management being in the hands of professionals. Please contact the Secretary, Trevor Jordan, on 020 89942018 for further details.
The RAF Harrier Story
This excellent account (see Newsletter No.12, Spring 2006) has been reprinted and 30 copies have been bought by the Association. If  you would like one, at the original price of £10 plus £1 post and packing, please call Barry Pegram on 01306 631125.

Association Ties
There are only 30 of these handsome ties left in stock. They are in red or blue with the Association logo diagonally across the blade and cost £7.50. You can buy them from Harry Fraser-Mitchell at meetings or by post (50p) from him at 16 Guernsey Drive, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 2TG; cheques payable to The Hawker Association, please. Telephone him first on 01252 626996 to check availability.